Dúkka – Emily modern – 33cm


Original price was: 12.990 kr..Current price is: 7.000 kr..

Dúkka – Emily modern 

  • Hún er 33 cm og úr mjúkum vínyl
  • Emily elskar að leika, skoða heiminn og tísku
  • Hún er til í allt! 🙂
  • Mikil vinna lögð í hvert einasta smáatriði hjá Emily
  • Dúkkurnar eru hannaðar og framleiddar á Spáni
  • Hún kemur í fallegum kassa
  • Það fylgir Emily allt sem er á myndinni
  • Ætluð fyrir börn sem eru 3ára og eldri
  • Fullkomin Jólagjöf eða afmælisgjöf 🖤
  • Hver og ein dúkka er einstök 🖤
  • Allar Dúkkurnar frá Antonio Juan eru vandaðar, hágæða dúkkur og lögð áheyrsla á smáatriðin.
  • Gæðin í þeim standast alla ströngustu Evrópu og Amerísku staðla.

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Hágæða og vönduð dúkka sem eru hönnuð og framleidd á Spáni.

Emily er dúkka sem er 33 cm og er öll úr mjúkum vínyl.

Fyrirtækið Munecas Antonio Juan var stofnað 1958 og er fjölskyldurekið fyrirtæki sem er staðsett á Spáni.

Öll efni sem notuð eru í dúkkurnar, fatnað og fylgihluti eru úr hágæða efnum sem eru laus við skaðleg efni.

Antonio Juan dúkkurnar eru allar vandaðar, hágæða dúkkur og lögð áheyrsla á smáatriðin. Er því hver og ein dúkka einstök.

Frábærar dúkkur til að alast upp með, leika við, hugsa um og knúsast í🖤

Hægt er að skoða meira úrval af fallegum dúkkum hér: https://krakkakrutt.is/product-category/leikfong/dukkur-leikfong/



In the province of Alicante, cradle of the Spanish toy industry since the end of the 19th century, the firm Muñecas Antonio Juan was born in 1958 in the town of Onil.

A modest family business, in which three generations of toy makers converge and which, since then, has not stopped growing to become a world reference in the manufacture of dolls under the principles of quality, tradition and sustainability.

  • The proximity of all production allows us to control the quality of all processes in compliance with the strictest European and American toy safety regulations.
  • Playing with dolls brings many benefits, encourages creativity and helps children to channel and express emotions.
  • Our dolls bring values that will serve them throughout their lives, such as solidarity, affection, equality, greater tolerance and empathy.

Design made in Spain

Throughout the entire manufacturing process, from the design of each of the components, to the materials used in their manufacture, are made with care, to result in exclusive dolls, with 100% Spanish design and handcrafted production, , which, in addition to being attractive, comply with the strictest European and American regulations on toy safety.

Organic Fabrics

As a doll manufacturer, we are committed to healthy and safe play for children. Under this philosophy we have incorporated organic fabrics in the manufacture of our dolls’ clothes, being the first company in the sector to join the ecological fabrics.

Since 2018 we have been designing a whole collection of clothing and accessories based on the principles of respect for the environment and the health of children.

With the use of organic cotton we guarantee the use of natural pesticides and we also ensure that no chemical treatments are used in its transformation, obtaining a healthier fabric, which is undoubtedly the safest option when dealing with a product aimed at children.

Dúkka - Emily modern - 33cm

Original price was: 12.990 kr..Current price is: 7.000 kr..

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